- 使用Hololens扫描空间环境并将空间数据导入到开发计算机中。
- 学习利用shader给空间网格赋予材质以便其更容易被发现。
- 使用网格处理方法将网格变成简单的平面。
- 对全息对象可以放置的位置进行放置提醒,使得用户更容易的放置。
- 开发遮挡效果,即当全息对象被真实场景中的物体或者其他全息对象遮挡时,你仍然可以看见它,只不过它是线框模式的。
Download the required by the project.
Unity 设置
- 打开 Unity.
- 选择新建 New创建一个新的项目.
- 将项目命名为 Planetarium.
- 保存地址到你下载的项目文件夹下 HolographicAcademy-Holograms-230-SpatialMapping .
- 选择 3D .
- 点击创建项目 Create Project.
- 当Unity打开后,打开 Edit > Project Settings > Player.
- 在Inspector 面板下,点击选择 Windows Store 图标.
- 展开 Other Settings 设置.
- 在Rendering 部分, 勾选 Use 16-bit Depth Buffers 选项.
- 在Rendering部分, 勾选Virtual Reality Supported 选项.
- 确保Windows Holographic 出现在 Virtual Reality SDKs 列表中. 如果没有,选择 + 按钮再选上 Windows Holographic.
- 展开 Publishing Settings .
- 再 Capabilities 部分,勾选以下设置:
- InternetClientServer
- PrivateNetworkClientServer
- Microphone
- SpatialPerception
- 到 Edit > Project Settings > Quality
- 在 Inspector 面板下, 点击 Windows Store 图标最下方, 'Default' 的第二个下拉黑色箭头,将默认设置改为 Fastest.
- 到project面板下, Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
- 定位到你下载的项目文件...\HolographicAcademy-Holograms-230-SpatialMapping\Starting 文件夹.
- 点击 Planetarium.unitypackage.
- 点击Open.
- 一个Import Unity Package窗口会出现,点击Import 按钮.
- 等待Unity导入所有的项目资源.
- 在Hierarchy 面板中,删除 Main Camera.
- 在 Project 面板下, HoloToolkit\Utilities\Prefabs 文件夹,找到 Main Camera 对象.
- 拖拽 Main Camera 预设到 Hierarchy 面板中.
- 在 Hierarchy 面板中,删除 Directional Light .
- 在 Project 面板, Holograms 文件夹下,定位到 Cursor 对象.
- 拖拽 Cursor 预设到 Hierarchy 面板中.
- 选中 Hierarchy 面板下的 Cursor 对象.
- 在Inspector 面板下,点击 Layer 下拉按钮选择 Edit Layers....
- 将 User Layer 31 命名为 "SpatialMapping" 并添加此标签.
- 将当前场景保存: File > Save Scene As...
- 点击 New Folder 创建一个新的文件夹为 Scenes.
- 命名新场景为 "Planetarium" 然后将它保存在 Scenes 文件夹下.
章节1 扫描
- 在 Project 面板下打开HoloToolkit\SpatialMapping\Prefabs 文件夹, 找到 SpatialMapping 预设.
- 拖拽 SpatialMapping 预设到 Hierarchy 面板中.
发布测试 (part 1)
- 在 Unity中选择 File > Build Settings.
- 点击 Add Open Scenes 将当前场景 Planetarium 添加到列表中.
- 选择Platform 列表下的 Windows Store 然后点击下方的 Switch Platform.
- 设置 SDK 为 Universal 10 ,设置 UWP Build Type 为 D3D.
- 勾选 Unity C# Projects.
- 点击 Build.
- 创建一个新文件 New Folder 命名 "App".
- 单机App 文件夹.
- 点击 Select Folder 按钮.
- 当Unity发布完成,一个文件资源管理器窗口会弹出.
- 双击 App 文件夹并打开它.
- 双击 Planetarium.sln 用VS打开.
- 在VS中,将顶部工具栏内设置改为 Release,x86.
- 选择远程设备Remote Machine.
- 输入你设备的IP地址 ,选择通用未加密模式Universal (Unencrypted Protocol).记得设备要连网。
- 点击Debug -> Start Without debugging 或者 Ctrl + F5.
- 当你的APP成功发布到你的Hololens上时. 戴上它在你的房间行走,你会看到你房间的物体表面会被黑色和白色线框网格覆盖。
- 扫描你的房间. 确保你看到了墙面,地面,以及天花板。
发布测试 (part 2)
- 在unity 中,选择分析器Window > Profiler.
- 点击添加GPU分析器 Add Profiler > GPU.
- 点击激活分析器 Active Profiler > <Enter IP>.
- 输入你设备的IP地址 IP address .
- 点击连接 Connect.
- 观察GPU渲染帧所需的毫秒数.
- 在设备上关闭应用.
- 返回到VS中,打开 SpatialMappingObserver.cs 脚本. 你会在Assembly-CSharp (Universal Windows) 项目的HoloToolkit\SpatialMapping 文件夹里找到它 .
- 定位到 Awake() 函数,添加如下代码: TrianglesPerCubicMeter = 1200;
- 重新部署项目到你的设备上,然后重新连接分析器 profiler. 观察GPU渲染帧所需的毫秒数的变化.
- 停止运行应用.
- 返回到VS中,将上一步在Awake() 函数中添加的 TrianglesPerCubicMeter 代码删除.
- 从新将项目发布到你的设备上. 我们现在应该运行渲染的是每立方米500个三角形。
- 在电脑上打开你的浏览器,输入https://<你的IP地址> ,可以打开设备控制台,Windows Device Portal.
- 选择 3D View .带上你的设备扫描室内一周
- 选择Update 按钮.
- 你会看到你扫描的空间场景会显示在窗口中.
- 点击 Save 按钮.
- 打开你的下载文件夹查看刚下载的空间文件 SRMesh.obj(或者你命名的其他文件).
- 复制SRMesh.obj 到你Unity项目的 Assets 文件夹下.
- 回到Unity, 选择Hierarchy 面板下的 SpatialMapping 对象.
- 在Inspector面板中,找到 Object Surface Observer (Script) 组件.
- 点击 Room Model 属性右边的小圆圈.
- 在弹出窗口中搜索SRMesh 对象并选中,然后关闭窗口.
- 现在 Room Model 属性值为 SRMesh.
- 点击 Play 按钮进入Unity预览模式.
- SpatialMapping 组件会默认加载保存的房间模型的网格数据。
- 选择 Scene 界面来查看你扫描的房间模型.
- 再一次点击 Play 按钮可以退出预览.
NOTE: 下次您在Unity中进入预览模式时,它将默认加载保存的房间网格。
章节2 可视化
- 在 Unity的 Hierarchy 面板中,选择 SpatialMapping 对象.
- 在 Inspector 面板中找到 Spatial Mapping Manager (Script) 组件.
- 点击Surface Material 属性右边的圆圈.
- 在新弹出的窗口中搜索 BlueLinesOnWalls 材质并选中然后关闭窗口.
- 在 Project 面板下的 Shaders 文件夹,双击 BlueLinesOnWalls用VS打开.
- 这是一个简单的顶点片段着色器程序, 实现了以下几点:
- 将顶点位置转换为世界空间。
- 检查顶点法线以确定像素是否是垂直的.
- 设置要渲染的像素的颜色.
- 返回到Unity,进入预览模式。
- 蓝线将在房间网格的所有垂直表面上呈现。
- 切换到“Scene”选项卡以调整你观看房间的视角,并查看整个房间网格在Unity中的显示方式。
- 在“Project”面板中,找到“Materials”文件夹,然后选择BlueLinesOnWalls材质球。
- 修改材质球的一些属性,并查看更改在Unity编辑器中显示的效果。 -在“Inspector”面板中,调整LineScale值,使线条看起来更厚或更薄。 -在“Inspector”面板中,调整LinesPerMeter值以更改每个墙上显示的行数。
- 退出预览模式。
- 重新部署到HoloLens,并观察着色渲染如何在真实环境表面上显示。
- Unity在渲染材质方面做得很好,但是在设备中不使用材质渲染总是一个好主意。
章节3 处理
- 在 Unity的 Project 面板中, Holograms 文件夹下找到 SpatialProcessing 对象.
- 拖拽 SpatialProcessing 对象到 Hierarchy 面板中.
SpatialProcessing 预设包括了用于处理空间场景建模数据的组件。 SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.cs脚本将基于空间场景建模数据查找和生成平面。 在我们的应用程序中我们将使用平面来代表墙壁,地板和天花板。 此预制还包括RemoveSurfaceVertices.cs脚本,它可以从空间场景建模网格中删除顶点。 这可以用于在网格中创建孔,或者删除不再需要的多余三角形(因为可以使用平面来代替)。
- 在Unity的Project 面板, Holograms 文件夹下找到SpaceCollection 对象.
- 拖拽 SpaceCollection 对象到 Hierarchy 面板中.
- 在 Hierarchy 面板中选择 SpatialProcessing 对象.
- 在 Inspector 面板找到 Play Space Manager (Script) 组件.
- 双击 PlaySpaceManager.cs 脚本用VS打开.
PlaySpaceManager.cs脚本包含特定于应用程序的代码。 我们将向此脚本添加功能以实现以下行为:
1 在超过扫描时间限制(10秒)后停止收集空间场景建模数据。
2 处理空间场景建模数据:
- 使用SurfaceMeshesToPlanes创建一个更简单的平面世界(墙壁,地板,天花板等)。
- 使用RemoveSurfaceVertices删除落在平面边界内的表面三角形。
3 生成一个全息图集合,并将它们放置在用户附近的墙壁和地板上。
using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.Windows.Speech;using HoloToolkit.Unity;////// The SurfaceManager class allows applications to scan the environment for a specified amount of time /// and then process the Spatial Mapping Mesh (find planes, remove vertices) after that time has expired./// public class PlaySpaceManager : Singleton{ [Tooltip("When checked, the SurfaceObserver will stop running after a specified amount of time.")] public bool limitScanningByTime = true; [Tooltip("How much time (in seconds) that the SurfaceObserver will run after being started; used when 'Limit Scanning By Time' is checked.")] public float scanTime = 30.0f; [Tooltip("Material to use when rendering Spatial Mapping meshes while the observer is running.")] public Material defaultMaterial; [Tooltip("Optional Material to use when rendering Spatial Mapping meshes after the observer has been stopped.")] public Material secondaryMaterial; [Tooltip("Minimum number of floor planes required in order to exit scanning/processing mode.")] public uint minimumFloors = 1; [Tooltip("Minimum number of wall planes required in order to exit scanning/processing mode.")] public uint minimumWalls = 1; /// /// Indicates if processing of the surface meshes is complete. /// private bool meshesProcessed = false; ////// GameObject initialization. /// private void Start() { // Update surfaceObserver and storedMeshes to use the same material during scanning. SpatialMappingManager.Instance.SetSurfaceMaterial(defaultMaterial); // Register for the MakePlanesComplete event. SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance.MakePlanesComplete += SurfaceMeshesToPlanes_MakePlanesComplete; } ////// Called once per frame. /// private void Update() { // Check to see if the spatial mapping data has been processed // and if we are limiting how much time the user can spend scanning. if (!meshesProcessed && limitScanningByTime) { // If we have not processed the spatial mapping data // and scanning time is limited... // Check to see if enough scanning time has passed // since starting the observer. if (limitScanningByTime && ((Time.time - SpatialMappingManager.Instance.StartTime) < scanTime)) { // If we have a limited scanning time, then we should wait until // enough time has passed before processing the mesh. } else { // The user should be done scanning their environment, // so start processing the spatial mapping data... /* TODO: 3.a DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 3.a */ // 3.a: Check if IsObserverRunning() is true on the // SpatialMappingManager.Instance. if(SpatialMappingManager.Instance.IsObserverRunning()) { // 3.a: If running, Stop the observer by calling // StopObserver() on the SpatialMappingManager.Instance. SpatialMappingManager.Instance.StopObserver(); } // 3.a: Call CreatePlanes() to generate planes. CreatePlanes(); // 3.a: Set meshesProcessed to true. meshesProcessed = true; } } } ////// Handler for the SurfaceMeshesToPlanes MakePlanesComplete event. /// /// Source of the event. /// Args for the event. private void SurfaceMeshesToPlanes_MakePlanesComplete(object source, System.EventArgs args) { /* TODO: 3.a DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 3.a */ // Collection of floor and table planes that we can use to set horizontal items on. Listhorizontal = new List (); // Collection of wall planes that we can use to set vertical items on. List vertical = new List (); // 3.a: Get all floor and table planes by calling // SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance.GetActivePlanes(). // Assign the result to the 'horizontal' list. horizontal = SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance.GetActivePlanes(PlaneTypes.Table | PlaneTypes.Floor); // 3.a: Get all wall planes by calling // SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance.GetActivePlanes(). // Assign the result to the 'vertical' list. vertical = SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance.GetActivePlanes(PlaneTypes.Wall); // Check to see if we have enough horizontal planes (minimumFloors) // and vertical planes (minimumWalls), to set holograms on in the world. if (horizontal.Count >= minimumFloors && vertical.Count >= minimumWalls) { // We have enough floors and walls to place our holograms on... // 3.a: Let's reduce our triangle count by removing triangles // from SpatialMapping meshes that intersect with our active planes. // Call RemoveVertices(). // Pass in all activePlanes found by SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance. RemoveVertices(SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance.ActivePlanes); // 3.a: We can indicate to the user that scanning is over by // changing the material applied to the Spatial Mapping meshes. // Call SpatialMappingManager.Instance.SetSurfaceMaterial(). // Pass in the secondaryMaterial. SpatialMappingManager.Instance.SetSurfaceMaterial(secondaryMaterial); // 3.a: We are all done processing the mesh, so we can now // initialize a collection of Placeable holograms in the world // and use horizontal/vertical planes to set their starting positions. // Call SpaceCollectionManager.Instance.GenerateItemsInWorld(). // Pass in the lists of horizontal and vertical planes that we found earlier. SpaceCollectionManager.Instance.GenerateItemsInWorld(horizontal, vertical); } else { // We do not have enough floors/walls to place our holograms on... // 3.a: Re-enter scanning mode so the user can find more surfaces by // calling StartObserver() on the SpatialMappingManager.Instance. SpatialMappingManager.Instance.StartObserver(); // 3.a: Re-process spatial data after scanning completes by // re-setting meshesProcessed to false. meshesProcessed = false; } } /// /// Creates planes from the spatial mapping surfaces. /// private void CreatePlanes() { // Generate planes based on the spatial map. SurfaceMeshesToPlanes surfaceToPlanes = SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance; if (surfaceToPlanes != null && surfaceToPlanes.enabled) { surfaceToPlanes.MakePlanes(); } } ////// Removes triangles from the spatial mapping surfaces. /// /// private void RemoveVertices(IEnumerableboundingObjects) { RemoveSurfaceVertices removeVerts = RemoveSurfaceVertices.Instance; if (removeVerts != null && removeVerts.enabled) { removeVerts.RemoveSurfaceVerticesWithinBounds(boundingObjects); } } /// /// Called when the GameObject is unloaded. /// private void OnDestroy() { if (SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance != null) { SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.Instance.MakePlanesComplete -= SurfaceMeshesToPlanes_MakePlanesComplete; } }}
- 在部署到HoloLens之前,按Unity中的播放按钮进入播放模式。
- 在文件加载房间网格后,等待10秒钟,这时在对空间场景模型网格进行处理。
- 当处理完成时,地板,墙壁,天花板等将以平面版的形式呈现。
- 在找到所有的平面之后,你应该会看到一个太阳系,在靠近相机的地板上。
- 两个海报应该出现在相机附近的墙上。 如果在游戏模式下看不到它们,请切换到场景选项卡。
- 再次按下播放按钮退出播放模式。
- 像往常一样构建和部署该项目到HoloLens。
- 等待扫描和处理空间场景模型数据完成。
- 一旦你看到场景中平面生成,试着找到你的世界中的太阳系和海报。
章节4 放置
- 在Unity的 Hierarchy 面板选择 SpatialProcessing 对象.
- 在 Inspector 面板中找到 Surface Meshes To Planes (Script) 组件.
- 改变 Draw Planes 属性为 Nothing .
- 改变 Draw Planes 属性 Wall, 这时只有樯面会被渲染成平面状态.
- 在 Project 面板下, Scripts 文件夹, 双击 Placeable.cs 脚本用VS打开.
这个Placeable 脚本已附加海报和投影框上。 我们需要做的是取消注释一些代码,这个脚本将实现以下:
1.通过从立方体的中心和边界四个角进行光线投射,确定全息图是否匹配到了一个表面上。 2.检查表面法线以确定它是否足够平滑以使全息图齐平。 3.渲染出一个围绕全息图的立方体边框,以显示全息图放置时的实际尺寸。 4.在全息图下面/后面投一个阴影,以显示它将放在地板/墙上的位置。 5.如果全息图不能放置在表面上,渲染阴影为红色,如果可以放置,则将阴影渲染为绿色。 6.重新定向全息图以与具有亲和力的表面类型(垂直或水平)对齐。 7.平滑稳定地将全息图放置在所选表面上,以避免跳跃或断裂行为。
using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using HoloToolkit.Unity;////// Enumeration containing the surfaces on which a GameObject/// can be placed. For simplicity of this sample, only one/// surface type is allowed to be selected./// public enum PlacementSurfaces{ // Horizontal surface with an upward pointing normal. Horizontal = 1, // Vertical surface with a normal facing the user. Vertical = 2,}////// The Placeable class implements the logic used to determine if a GameObject/// can be placed on a target surface. Constraints for placement include:/// * No part of the GameObject's box collider impacts with another object in the scene/// * The object lays flat (within specified tolerances) against the surface/// * The object would not fall off of the surface if gravity were enabled./// This class also provides the following visualizations./// * A transparent cube representing the object's box collider./// * Shadow on the target surface indicating whether or not placement is valid./// public class Placeable : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("The base material used to render the bounds asset when placement is allowed.")] public Material PlaceableBoundsMaterial = null; [Tooltip("The base material used to render the bounds asset when placement is not allowed.")] public Material NotPlaceableBoundsMaterial = null; [Tooltip("The material used to render the placement shadow when placement it allowed.")] public Material PlaceableShadowMaterial = null; [Tooltip("The material used to render the placement shadow when placement it not allowed.")] public Material NotPlaceableShadowMaterial = null; [Tooltip("The type of surface on which the object can be placed.")] public PlacementSurfaces PlacementSurface = PlacementSurfaces.Horizontal; [Tooltip("The child object(s) to hide during placement.")] public ListChildrenToHide = new List (); /// /// Indicates if the object is in the process of being placed. /// public bool IsPlacing { get; private set; } // The most recent distance to the surface. This is used to // locate the object when the user's gaze does not intersect // with the Spatial Mapping mesh. private float lastDistance = 2.0f; // The distance away from the target surface that the object should hover prior while being placed. private float hoverDistance = 0.15f; // Threshold (the closer to 0, the stricter the standard) used to determine if a surface is flat. private float distanceThreshold = 0.02f; // Threshold (the closer to 1, the stricter the standard) used to determine if a surface is vertical. private float upNormalThreshold = 0.9f; // Maximum distance, from the object, that placement is allowed. // This is used when raycasting to see if the object is near a placeable surface. private float maximumPlacementDistance = 5.0f; // Speed (1.0 being fastest) at which the object settles to the surface upon placement. private float placementVelocity = 0.06f; // Indicates whether or not this script manages the object's box collider. private bool managingBoxCollider = false; // The box collider used to determine of the object will fit in the desired location. // It is also used to size the bounding cube. private BoxCollider boxCollider = null; // Visible asset used to show the dimensions of the object. This asset is sized // using the box collider's bounds. private GameObject boundsAsset = null; // Visible asset used to show the where the object is attempting to be placed. // This asset is sized using the box collider's bounds. private GameObject shadowAsset = null; // The location at which the object will be placed. private Vector3 targetPosition; ////// Called when the GameObject is created. /// private void Awake() { targetPosition = gameObject.transform.position; // Get the object's collider. boxCollider = gameObject.GetComponent(); if (boxCollider == null) { // The object does not have a collider, create one and remember that // we are managing it. managingBoxCollider = true; boxCollider = gameObject.AddComponent (); boxCollider.enabled = false; } // Create the object that will be used to indicate the bounds of the GameObject. boundsAsset = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); boundsAsset.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; boundsAsset.SetActive(false); // Create a object that will be used as a shadow. shadowAsset = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad); shadowAsset.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; shadowAsset.SetActive(false); } /// /// Called when our object is selected. Generally called by /// a gesture management component. /// public void OnSelect() { /* TODO: 4.a CODE ALONG 4.a */ if (!IsPlacing) { OnPlacementStart(); } else { OnPlacementStop(); } } ////// Called once per frame. /// private void Update() { /* TODO: 4.a CODE ALONG 4.a */ if (IsPlacing) { // Move the object. Move(); // Set the visual elements. Vector3 targetPosition; Vector3 surfaceNormal; bool canBePlaced = ValidatePlacement(out targetPosition, out surfaceNormal); DisplayBounds(canBePlaced); DisplayShadow(targetPosition, surfaceNormal, canBePlaced); } else { // Disable the visual elements. boundsAsset.SetActive(false); shadowAsset.SetActive(false); // Gracefully place the object on the target surface. float dist = (gameObject.transform.position - targetPosition).magnitude; if (dist > 0) { gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(gameObject.transform.position, targetPosition, placementVelocity / dist); } else { // Unhide the child object(s) to make placement easier. for (int i = 0; i < ChildrenToHide.Count; i++) { ChildrenToHide[i].SetActive(true); } } } } ////// Verify whether or not the object can be placed. /// /// /// The target position on the surface. /// /// /// The normal of the surface on which the object is to be placed. /// ////// True if the target position is valid for placing the object, otherwise false. /// private bool ValidatePlacement(out Vector3 position, out Vector3 surfaceNormal) { Vector3 raycastDirection = gameObject.transform.forward; if (PlacementSurface == PlacementSurfaces.Horizontal) { // Placing on horizontal surfaces. // Raycast from the bottom face of the box collider. raycastDirection = -(Vector3.up); } // Initialize out parameters. position = Vector3.zero; surfaceNormal = Vector3.zero; Vector3[] facePoints = GetColliderFacePoints(); // The origin points we receive are in local space and we // need to raycast in world space. for (int i = 0; i < facePoints.Length; i++) { facePoints[i] = gameObject.transform.TransformVector(facePoints[i]) + gameObject.transform.position; } // Cast a ray from the center of the box collider face to the surface. RaycastHit centerHit; if (!Physics.Raycast(facePoints[0], raycastDirection, out centerHit, maximumPlacementDistance, SpatialMappingManager.Instance.LayerMask)) { // If the ray failed to hit the surface, we are done. return false; } // We have found a surface. Set position and surfaceNormal. position = centerHit.point; surfaceNormal = centerHit.normal; // Cast a ray from the corners of the box collider face to the surface. for (int i = 1; i < facePoints.Length; i++) { RaycastHit hitInfo; if (Physics.Raycast(facePoints[i], raycastDirection, out hitInfo, maximumPlacementDistance, SpatialMappingManager.Instance.LayerMask)) { // To be a valid placement location, each of the corners must have a similar // enough distance to the surface as the center point if (!IsEquivalentDistance(centerHit.distance, hitInfo.distance)) { return false; } } else { // The raycast failed to intersect with the target layer. return false; } } return true; } ////// Determine the coordinates, in local space, of the box collider face that /// will be placed against the target surface. /// ////// Vector3 array with the center point of the face at index 0. /// private Vector3[] GetColliderFacePoints() { // Get the collider extents. // The size values are twice the extents. Vector3 extents = boxCollider.size / 2; // Calculate the min and max values for each coordinate. float minX = boxCollider.center.x - extents.x; float maxX = boxCollider.center.x + extents.x; float minY = boxCollider.center.y - extents.y; float maxY = boxCollider.center.y + extents.y; float minZ = boxCollider.center.z - extents.z; float maxZ = boxCollider.center.z + extents.z; Vector3 center; Vector3 corner0; Vector3 corner1; Vector3 corner2; Vector3 corner3; if (PlacementSurface == PlacementSurfaces.Horizontal) { // Placing on horizontal surfaces. center = new Vector3(boxCollider.center.x, minY, boxCollider.center.z); corner0 = new Vector3(minX, minY, minZ); corner1 = new Vector3(minX, minY, maxZ); corner2 = new Vector3(maxX, minY, minZ); corner3 = new Vector3(maxX, minY, maxZ); } else { // Placing on vertical surfaces. center = new Vector3(boxCollider.center.x, boxCollider.center.y, maxZ); corner0 = new Vector3(minX, minY, maxZ); corner1 = new Vector3(minX, maxY, maxZ); corner2 = new Vector3(maxX, minY, maxZ); corner3 = new Vector3(maxX, maxY, maxZ); } return new Vector3[] { center, corner0, corner1, corner2, corner3 }; } ////// Put the object into placement mode. /// public void OnPlacementStart() { // If we are managing the collider, enable it. if (managingBoxCollider) { boxCollider.enabled = true; } // Hide the child object(s) to make placement easier. for (int i = 0; i < ChildrenToHide.Count; i++) { ChildrenToHide[i].SetActive(false); } // Tell the gesture manager that it is to assume // all input is to be given to this object. GestureManager.Instance.OverrideFocusedObject = gameObject; // Enter placement mode. IsPlacing = true; } ////// Take the object out of placement mode. /// ////// This method will leave the object in placement mode if called while /// the object is in an invalid location. To determine whether or not /// the object has been placed, check the value of the IsPlacing property. /// public void OnPlacementStop() { // ValidatePlacement requires a normal as an out parameter. Vector3 position; Vector3 surfaceNormal; // Check to see if we can exit placement mode. if (!ValidatePlacement(out position, out surfaceNormal)) { return; } // The object is allowed to be placed. // We are placing at a small buffer away from the surface. targetPosition = position + (0.01f * surfaceNormal); OrientObject(true, surfaceNormal); // If we are managing the collider, disable it. if (managingBoxCollider) { boxCollider.enabled = false; } // Tell the gesture manager that it is to resume // its normal behavior. GestureManager.Instance.OverrideFocusedObject = null; // Exit placement mode. IsPlacing = false; } ////// Positions the object along the surface toward which the user is gazing. /// ////// If the user's gaze does not intersect with a surface, the object /// will remain at the most recently calculated distance. /// private void Move() { Vector3 moveTo = gameObject.transform.position; Vector3 surfaceNormal = Vector3.zero; RaycastHit hitInfo; bool hit = Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward, out hitInfo, 20f, SpatialMappingManager.Instance.LayerMask); if (hit) { float offsetDistance = hoverDistance; // Place the object a small distance away from the surface while keeping // the object from going behind the user. if (hitInfo.distance <= hoverDistance) { offsetDistance = 0f; } moveTo = hitInfo.point + (offsetDistance * hitInfo.normal); lastDistance = hitInfo.distance; surfaceNormal = hitInfo.normal; } else { // The raycast failed to hit a surface. In this case, keep the object at the distance of the last // intersected surface. moveTo = Camera.main.transform.position + (Camera.main.transform.forward * lastDistance); } // Follow the user's gaze. float dist = Mathf.Abs((gameObject.transform.position - moveTo).magnitude); gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(gameObject.transform.position, moveTo, placementVelocity / dist); // Orient the object. // We are using the return value from Physics.Raycast to instruct // the OrientObject function to align to the vertical surface if appropriate. OrientObject(hit, surfaceNormal); } ////// Orients the object so that it faces the user. /// /// /// If true and the object is to be placed on a vertical surface, /// orient parallel to the target surface. If false, orient the object /// to face the user. /// /// /// The target surface's normal vector. /// ////// The aligntoVerticalSurface parameter is ignored if the object /// is to be placed on a horizontalSurface /// private void OrientObject(bool alignToVerticalSurface, Vector3 surfaceNormal) { Quaternion rotation = Camera.main.transform.localRotation; // If the user's gaze does not intersect with the Spatial Mapping mesh, // orient the object towards the user. if (alignToVerticalSurface && (PlacementSurface == PlacementSurfaces.Vertical)) { // We are placing on a vertical surface. // If the normal of the Spatial Mapping mesh indicates that the // surface is vertical, orient parallel to the surface. if (Mathf.Abs(surfaceNormal.y) <= (1 - upNormalThreshold)) { rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-surfaceNormal, Vector3.up); } } else { rotation.x = 0f; rotation.z = 0f; } gameObject.transform.rotation = rotation; } ////// Displays the bounds asset. /// /// /// Specifies if the object is in a valid placement location. /// private void DisplayBounds(bool canBePlaced) { // Ensure the bounds asset is sized and positioned correctly. boundsAsset.transform.localPosition = boxCollider.center; boundsAsset.transform.localScale = boxCollider.size; boundsAsset.transform.rotation = gameObject.transform.rotation; // Apply the appropriate material. if (canBePlaced) { boundsAsset.GetComponent().sharedMaterial = PlaceableBoundsMaterial; } else { boundsAsset.GetComponent ().sharedMaterial = NotPlaceableBoundsMaterial; } // Show the bounds asset. boundsAsset.SetActive(true); } /// /// Displays the placement shadow asset. /// /// /// The position at which to place the shadow asset. /// /// /// The normal of the surface on which the asset will be placed /// /// /// Specifies if the object is in a valid placement location. /// private void DisplayShadow(Vector3 position, Vector3 surfaceNormal, bool canBePlaced) { // Rotate the shadow so that it is displayed on the correct surface and matches the object. float rotationX = 0.0f; if (PlacementSurface == PlacementSurfaces.Horizontal) { rotationX = 90.0f; } Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationX, gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0); shadowAsset.transform.localScale = boxCollider.size; shadowAsset.transform.rotation = rotation; // Apply the appropriate material. if (canBePlaced) { shadowAsset.GetComponent().sharedMaterial = PlaceableShadowMaterial; } else { shadowAsset.GetComponent ().sharedMaterial = NotPlaceableShadowMaterial; } // Show the shadow asset as appropriate. if (position != Vector3.zero) { // Position the shadow a small distance from the target surface, along the normal. shadowAsset.transform.position = position + (0.01f * surfaceNormal); shadowAsset.SetActive(true); } else { shadowAsset.SetActive(false); } } /// /// Determines if two distance values should be considered equivalent. /// /// /// Distance to compare. /// /// /// Distance to compare. /// ////// True if the distances are within the desired tolerance, otherwise false. /// private bool IsEquivalentDistance(float d1, float d2) { float dist = Mathf.Abs(d1 - d2); return (dist <= distanceThreshold); } ////// Called when the GameObject is unloaded. /// private void OnDestroy() { // Unload objects we have created. Destroy(boundsAsset); boundsAsset = null; Destroy(shadowAsset); shadowAsset = null; }}
- 和前面一样,构建项目并部署到HoloLens。
- 等待扫描和空间场景模型数据预处理完成。
- 当你看到太阳系时,注视下面的投影框,并执行选择手势移动它。 当投影框被选中时,在投影框周围将出现一个边界立方体。
- 移动你的头,凝视房间里其他的位置。 投影盒应该会遵循你的目光。 当投影框下方的阴影变为红色时,表示不能将全息图放置在该表面上。 当投影框下方的阴影变为绿色时,您可以通过执行另一个选择手势将它放置在这个位置。
- 找到一个你房间墙上的全息海报并选择它,将其移动到一个新的位置。 请注意,您不能将海报放置在地板或天花板上,并且在您四处移动时,海报会保持正确朝向(即始终保持与墙壁垂直,并面向室内)。
章节5 遮挡
- 在 Hierarchy 面板下选择SpatialProcessing 对象.
- 在 Inspector 面板中找到 Play Space Manager (Script) 组件.
- 点击Secondary Material 属性右侧的小圆圈.
- 在弹出的窗口中搜索 Occlusion 材质球并选中,然后关闭此窗口.
- 在 Project 面板, Holograms 文件夹, 展开 SolarSystem 对象.
- 点击 Earth.
- 在 Inspector 面板中, 找到地球的材质球 .
- 将其shader 改选为 Custom > OcclusionRim.当地球被另一个物体遮挡时,这将在地球上呈现一个蓝色的高光。
最后,我们将为我们的太阳系中的行星实现X射线的视觉效果。 我们将需要编辑PlanetOcclusion.cs(在Scripts \ SolarSystem文件夹中可以找到),以便实现以下操作: 1.确定行星是否被SpatialMapping层(房间网格和平面)遮挡。 2.只要行星被SpatialMapping图层遮挡,显示它的线框效果。 3.当行星没有被SpatialMapping图层阻挡时,隐藏它的线框效果。
using UnityEngine;using HoloToolkit.Unity;////// Determines when the occluded version of the planet should be visible./// This script allows us to do selective occlusion, so the occlusionObject/// will only be rendered when a Spatial Mapping surface is occluding the planet,/// not when another hologram is responsible for the occlusion./// public class PlanetOcclusion : MonoBehaviour{ [Tooltip("Object to display when the planet is occluded.")] public GameObject occlusionObject; ////// Points to raycast to when checking for occlusion. /// private Vector3[] checkPoints; // Use this for initialization void Start() { occlusionObject.SetActive(false); // Set the check points to use when testing for occlusion. MeshFilter filter = gameObject.GetComponent(); Vector3 extents = filter.mesh.bounds.extents; Vector3 center = filter.mesh.bounds.center; Vector3 top = new Vector3(center.x, center.y + extents.y, center.z); Vector3 left = new Vector3(center.x - extents.x, center.y, center.z); Vector3 right = new Vector3(center.x + extents.x, center.y, center.z); Vector3 bottom = new Vector3(center.x, center.y - extents.y, center.z); checkPoints = new Vector3[] { center, top, left, right, bottom }; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { /* TODO: 5.a DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 5.a */ // Check to see if any of the planet's boundary points are occluded. for (int i = 0; i < checkPoints.Length; i++) { // 5.a: Convert the current checkPoint to world coordinates. // Call gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(checkPoints[i]). // Assign the result to a new Vector3 variable called 'checkPt'. Vector3 checkPt = gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(checkPoints[i]); // 5.a: Call Vector3.Distance() to calculate the distance // between the Main Camera's position and 'checkPt'. // Assign the result to a new float variable called 'distance'. float distance = Vector3.Distance(Camera.main.transform.position, checkPt); // 5.a: Take 'checkPt' and subtract the Main Camera's position from it. // Assign the result to a new Vector3 variable called 'direction'. Vector3 direction = checkPt - Camera.main.transform.position; // Used to indicate if the call to Physics.Raycast() was successful. bool raycastHit = false; // 5.a: Check if the planet is occluded by a spatial mapping surface. // Call Physics.Raycast() with the following arguments: // - Pass in the Main Camera's position as the origin. // - Pass in 'direction' for the direction. // - Pass in 'distance' for the maxDistance. // - Pass in SpatialMappingManager.Instance.LayerMask as layerMask. // Assign the result to 'raycastHit'. raycastHit = Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.transform.position, direction, distance, SpatialMappingManager.Instance.LayerMask); if (raycastHit) { // 5.a: Our raycast hit a surface, so the planet is occluded. // Set the occlusionObject to active. occlusionObject.SetActive(true); // At least one point is occluded, so break from the loop. break; } else { // 5.a: The Raycast did not hit, so the planet is not occluded. // Deactivate the occlusionObject. occlusionObject.SetActive(false); } } }}
- 像往常一样,将应用程序构建并部署到HoloLens。
- 等待空间场景建模数据的扫描和处理完成(您应该看到墙上出现蓝线)。
- 找到并选择太阳系的投影框,然后将它放置在墙壁旁边或在柜台后面。
- 您可以通过将海报或投影框隐藏在其他对象的后面,以查看基本的遮挡效果。
- 观察地球,每当它在另一个全息图或表面后面时,应该有一个蓝色的高光效果。
- 观察行星移动到墙壁或房间里的其他表面后面时。 你会看到X光射线的效果,可以看到他们的线框骨架!